How To Calculate GDP

The method of Calculating India GDP is the expenditure method, which is, GDP = consumption + investment + (government spending) + (exports-imports) and the formula is GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)

·         C stands for consumption which includes personal expenditures pertaining to food, households, medical expenses, rent, etc
·         I stands for business investment as capital which includes construction of a new mine, purchase of machinery and equipment for a factory, purchase of software, expenditure on new houses, buying goods and services but investments on financial products is not included as it falls under savings
·         G stands for the total government expenditures on final goods and services which includes investment expenditure by the government, purchase of weapons for the military, and salaries of public servants
·         X stands for gross exports which includes all goods and services produced for overseas consumption
·         M stands for gross imports which includes any goods or services imported for consumption and it should be deducted to prevent from calculating foreign supply as domestic supply

·         India GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Exchange Rate

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