When is the right time to buy Insurance.

Buying Life Insurance cannot ever be compared with other investment decisions since it is very much in contrast with those stock market investments where you wait for the right time to buy and sell. Neither is this like receiving tips on a particular scrip doing well in the market and holding great future prospects.
Buy life insurance at the earliest. Do you know when you would fall ill? Are you sure about your future income earning potential? Are you sure you will never meet with an accident? If not buy insurance now.
This is because the future is always uncertain. Just as buying insurance is a necessity so also buying insurance early in life is important too. With proper financial planning one can work out as to how much money an individual is entitled to after the end of a particular term. A policy that will fulfill your child's future educational needs would have to be timed appropriately so that he receives the policy amount at that time when he needs it the most.
By taking a policy early in life you not only benefit in forking out a lower premium amount but also make a wise decision as far as insuring risks to yourself and your family is concerned.

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