Future Of Online Life Insurance.

LifeInsurance is compulsory part of our life.This time every person is busy on work.They don't have a time.In this situation online facility comes look like a bless.Because in online system we are free to choose plan as per our requirement and need.We get accurate details about the plan.Like how much return i will get,premium and what is the benefits in plan and also in online our time saving is keep a very big matter in our life.Because no body have a time to spent with any other person.In online process we can also save our money as well as time.So,I think it is more beneficial from every side.
One must understand that there are four basic drivers that compel consumers to invest their time and effort to buy a product online. The first reason is value - a key reason for buying online is that it is cheaper than buying a comparable product offline. Another reason is convenience - a customer should see very distinct convenience in buying something online. Ticketing and booking sites use this as a great hook and in fact some have started charging a convenience charge. A third driver to onlinepurchase is information - customers use the digital space to compare prices and specifications and also look for recommendations and reviews in order to make an informed purchase decision. Another driver is sometimes access - when a product is not available in the customer's geography and hence the Internet becomes the only place to get access to that product. If your product does not have one, some or all of these drivers then it has little or no chance to succeed online
Online Process was simple and easy to understand, it was cheaper by a large margin as compared to the offline versions available, it could be bought conveniently anyplace anytime and it offered a protection offering that was traditionally not very actively promoted by other distribution channels. 
In order to facilitate this growth insurers competing in the online space will need to keep in mind that they would need to focus on products with a simple and clearly defined benefit that can be compared with similar offline products. That the customer must continue to derive both value and convenience from the product category that will give them a very tangible reason to adopt the online purchase process. 

Leveraging technology in the future is also going to be critical. With more and more online users becoming unfettered - using only mobile devices to communicate, search and buy products on the net - an easy to use and intuitive mobile interface will be key to growing sales and fuelling growth in the category. 

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